We keep you informed continually of the development of the entire selection process.,. Following the successful placement of the candidate, we check twice a year, on his/her integration into the company in order to ensure maximum satisfaction of all parties
Accounting: Tax Optimisation
Every employer and the employee has the opportunity to take advantage of a variety of tax credits and deductible items so that they can reduce their tax obligations . In addition to tax optimisation , we also offer strategic tax planning and deferred tax liabilities.
The main focus of the Agency Zapletal & Partners is seeking out experts and managers that match specific client requirements.
The emphasis in the selection of a suitable candidate is based not only on his/her professional knowledge and experience , but also on his/her work flair.
The aim of successful collaboration of our client company with our consultants , results in the maximum efficiency of finding and selection of candidates.
Principles of successful collaboration are ultimately saving time and money to ourclient.