HW Developer
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Role of Description:
- Electronics design- new products and redesign of old products
- Feasibility studies and basic budget studies
- Creating design specifiacation and documentation and test equipment manufacturing
- Creation and calculation of schematics including selection of suitable components
- Building and testing prototypes, manufacturing and commissioning support
- Support of production, understanding of the process, generating of test and coordinating projects
- Working as part of an internatinal team
- Master's degree in Electronics, Measurement, Automation or equivalent technical un. education
- At least 5 years of professional expirience in electronics design
- A good knowledge of electronics is a must
- Perfect English must be
- Knowledge of EMC standards and PCB design
- Experience with electronic curcuit design tools (Mentor, Eagle, Orcad- schematic drawing)
- VHDL programming & Digital programming circuit design is a plus
- Knowledge of temprature limitations and calculation of electronic compnent cooling
- Knowledge of electrical engineering measurement
- Experience with electronic circuit design is a plus
- Knowledge of electrical engineering measurement
- Thermal management knowledge
Odpovědět na pozici
Poznámka: Kliknutím na níže uvedené tlačítko „Odeslat odpověď“ souhlasím se zpracováním a uchováním veškerých mých osobních údajů. Osobní údaje budou zpracovány v souladu s rozhodnutím Komise EU ze dne 15. června 2001 a zákonem 101/2000 Sb.